Personal Data
Name in Full: Won-Hee LEE
Date of Birth: April 2nd, 1960, born in Korea
Specialized in Wood Physics (Vapor sorption, Dimensional stability, Physical processing for bentwood, Composites, Plant growth controller from wood extracts)
Office address: 1370 Sankyuk-dong, Buk-gu, Daegu 702-701, KOREA
Department Group of Forestry and Wood Science & Technology
College of Agriculture & Life Sciences, KyungPook National University
Tel: 001-82-53-950-5799. Fax: 001-82-53-950-6751. Cellphone: 001-82-10-8487-5799
E-mail: or
Ph.D./ 1990 Biomaterial Physics of Forest Products. -The University of Tokyo in Japan
M.S./ 1987 Biomaterial Physics of Forest Products. -The University of Tokyo in Japan
B.S. /1984 Forestry -KyungPook National University in Korea
" Studies on Vapor Permeability, Adsorption and Desorption of Wood "
Supervised by Professor Takeshi OKANO. E-mail:
Positions Held
Professor KyungPook National University Since Oct. 1st, 2001Associate Professor KyungPook National University 1996 -2001
Assistant Professor KyungPook National University 1992 - 1996
Full-time Lecturer KyungPook National University Oct. 1st, 1990 - 1992
Venture companies(webpage linked)
Director. Yulim Hightech Ltd. in Daegu, Korea, Feb. 2004~ presentMajor Research Interests
* Analysis of wood-water relations at a steady state and non-steady state below FSP
* Heat and mass transfer during the sorption process in the hygroscopic range
* Modeling of moisture sorption and movement in wood
* Moisture content and sorption analysis at high temperatures above 100℃
* Plastic process (hot pressing for wood deformation and bentwood) & dimensional stabilization of wood by water and thermal treatment
* Development of wood-based composites as an environmental friendly for less energy consumption, without pollution, and low cost
* Dimensional stability of wood and wood-based materials
* Complete use of wood & wood extracts for human health by physically wood processing
Professional service, Honors and Awards
Apr. 1999. Korean Society of Wood Science & Technology Paper Awards
May 1999. Korean Society of Furniture Technology and Design Paper Awards
Oct. 2003. Awards of Ministry of Agriculture & Forestry, Republic of Korea
Apr. 2005 be awarded an academic grand prize in the Society of Korean Wood Sci.&Tech
Society Memberships
*Korean Society of Wood Sci. & Technology
*Korean Society of Furniture
*Korea Solid Wastes Engineering Society
*Trends in Agriculture & Life Sciences
*Korean Society of Forest Recreation
*Environmental Science
*Architectural institute of Korea
*Japan Wood Research Society
Journals Editorial Boards
Editor, Editing committee of Korean Society of Wood Sci. & Technol. 1993~2000.
Editor, Editing committee of Korean Society of Furniture since 1995.
Editor, Editing committee of Trends in Agriculture & Life Sciences (Seoul Nat'l Univ.) since July 2001.
Book Editor, Society
Book Title: Wood Physics and Mechanics, HyangMoon press (Korea), edited with Dr. HwaHyungLEE and et al., will be publish in Dec 2007.
Secretary General of Korean Society of Wood Sci. & Technol.( From April 2000 to March 2002.
A Planning Director of Korean Society of Wood Sci. & Technol.(KSWST) From April 2002 to March 2004.
Director of the Korean Society of Forest Recreation 1997~1999.
Head, Dept. of Wood Sci. & Technol., College of Agriculture, KyungPook Nat'l Univ. from Feb. 1st, 1998 to Jan., 2000. 2003-2005
Advisory Committee of an Experimental Plantation in KyungPook National University since 1990~2001.
Judging Committees and Grant Review Committees
2000-2001 Korea Science and Engineering Foundation (KOSEF), Judging committee in Post-doctoral research to Abroad 1996~2001 KOSEF, Grant Review CommitteeAcademic Appointments
Visiting Researcher, Lab. of Wood Drying (Host Researcher is Dr. Naohiro KURODA(
( E-mail: of Forestry & Forest Products Research Institute(FFPRI) in Tsukuba,
JAPAN from Dec.7th, 1995 to Dec. 6th, 1996(Research Fellow of JISTEC Assistance in Japan).
Visiting Researcher, Lab. of Wood Property Enhancement (Host Researcher is Prof. Misato NORIMOTO(
( Kyoto University(Institute of Wood Science) in Uji Kyoto,
JAPAN from Jan.10th, 2000 to Feb. 10th, 2000(Research Fellow of JSPS Assistance in Japan).
Teaching Subjects
Wood Physics (basic concepts of wood physics, main) / Wood Drying (basic concepts and mechanism of wood drying) / Wood-based Materials / Strength of Materials/Wood Machining/ Science of Woody EnvironmentRecent Research Support
2007.5- Agricultural R&D Promotion Center (ARPC)
Development of Functional Food Products by the Efficient Application of koera Rice Bran
- Development of food additives from wood extracts by physical processing method with heat and water
2007.5- Korea Forest Research Institute, EMC and Sorption isotherm of Korean main woods
2003.7-2006.6 Agricultural R&D Promotion Center (ARPC), Development of wood charcoal based composites for new application.225,000$/3years
2003.7-2006.6 Agricultural R&D Promotion Center (ARPC), Development of waste paper based composite boards for high stiffness. 50,000$/year
2001.4-2002.3 Korea Science and Engineering Foundation (KOSEF), Studies on improvement of wood for dimensional stability by thermal processing 13,000$/year
2002.4-2003.3 Small and Medium Business Administration(co-work), R & D of composites with waste chemical fiber and waste papers
1999.11-2002.11 Agricultural R&D Promotion Center (ARPC), R & D of bentwood by bending process. 25,000$/year
1999.11-2001.12 Korea Research Foundation (KRF), Development of heat insulating boards from wastepaper resources 15,000$/year
2002.4-2003.3 Agricultural R&D Promotion Center (ARPC)(co-work), Green Purchase Law of Wood and Wood-based Products
1998.12-2001.11 Agricultural R&D Promotion Center (ARPC)(co-work), Property evaluation of Korean red pine in Uljin province, Korea
Research reports
Sang-jin Park, Du-Sik Sohn, Weon-Hee Lee, Byung-Che Byun "Research Reports of Korean Standardization and Properties of Half-split Chopsticks" Forestry Agency: 1-81(1991).
Weon-Hee LEE "Experimental Examinations on the Phenomenon of Moisture Transfer and Moisture Diffusion in Wood" Research Report on the Core Subject of KOSEF : 1-24(1995.12).
S.J.Park, W.H.LEE “Study on the possibility of the existence of a wooden-ship under the sea” Korean Naval Academy Foundation: 1-101(Nov., 1995)
Weon-Hee LEE “Measurement of EMC of wood at high temperatures and vapor pressures” Korea Research Foundation (1997)
S.J.Park, W.H.LEE and et al. “Development of Wood Based Composite with Waste Wood & Waste Tires” Agricultural R&D Promotion Center: 1-176(Dec., 1997)
Weon-Hee LEE "Property of the Bending Process in Pinus densiflora" Research Report of KOSEF : 1-20(1999.2).
Weon-Hee LEE "Studies on the Bending and Compressive Deformation of Coniferous Wood" Korea Research Foundation: 1-11(Feb.25, 2000)
Weon-Hee LEE "Studies on the Bending and Compressive Deformation of Coniferous Wood" JSPS (Japan): 1-5(Feb.27, 2000)
Sung-Chun HONG, Du-Sik Sohn, Weon-Hee Lee, and et al. "Studies on the development of ecospecies in Pinus densiflora for. erecta Uyeki forest" Agricultural R&D Promotion Center : 1-286(Oct.27, 2000)
“Manufacture of Composite board with waste paper and waste synthetic fibers.” Technical Innovation Development Project of A small and medium enterprise: 1-34(May 2003)
“Development of high value-added wood production by bending process”. Agricultural R&D Promotion Center : 1-214(Dec, 2002)
“Development of application technique of functional charcoal material on fine porous adsorbent”. Agricultural R&D Promotion Center : 1-266(Jul. 2006)
Articles Published in Refereed Journals Publications (since 1997)
Weon-Hee Lee, Kweon-Hwan HWANG, 1997. Estimation of the Dynamic MOE in Woods with Resonance Frequency. J. of Korean Wood Sci. and Technol. Vol.25(1):42-49.
Weon-Hee LEE, 1997. Forest Culture and Wood Culture. J. of Korean Forest Recreation. Vol.1:20-26.
Jae-Kyung Yang, Weon-Hee Lee and Sang-Jin Park, 1997. Development of Composite Panel with Woody Biomass. J. Korea Solid Wastes Engineering Society. Vol.14(7):632-639.
Jae-Kyung Yang, Weon-Hee Lee and Sang-Jin Park, 1997. Development of Composite Panel with Woody Biomass(Ⅱ). J. Korea Solid Wastes Engineering Society. Vol.14(7):652-660.
Weon-Hee LEE, 1997. Wood Utilization Technology as a Wooden-Constructed Facility in Recreational Forest. 1st International Symposium of the Korean Institute of Forest Recreation. Vol.1:3-9.
Weon-Hee Lee and Sang-Jin Park, 1997. Studies n Wood-based Composite Panel with Waste Tire. J. of Korean Wood Sci. and Technol. Vol.25(4):29-38.
Weon-Hee Lee and Hee-Seop Byeon, 1997. Properties on Wood-based Composite by the Rate of Waste Tire Chip. J. Environmental Science. Vol.11:63-72.
Weon-Hee Lee, Hee-Seop Byeon and Hyun-Mi Bae, 1998. Studies on Physical Properties of Wood-based Composite Panel with Recycled Tire Chip. J. Korean Wood Sci. and Technol. Vol.26(1):70-75.
Sung-Soo Jung, Weon-Hee Lee, 1998. Characteristics of Moisture Absorption for Heat-Compressed Wood. J. Korean Society of Furniture. 9(1):9-15.
Weon-Hee Lee, Hisashi Abe and Naohiro Kuroda, 1998. Measurement of Equilibrium Moisture Content of Wood at High Temperatures and Vapor Pressures. J. Korean Wood Sci. and Technol. Vol.26(4):1-5.
Sung-Soo Jung and Weon-Hee Lee, 1998. Effect of Microwave Irradiation on Compressed Wood by a Hot Press. J. Korean Society of Furniture. 9(2):73-78.
Hee-Seop Byeon, Won-Hee Lee and Byung-Wha Hong, 1999. The Bending Performances of Sloped Finger-Jointed Rhus verniciflua. J. Korean Society of Furniture. 10(1):65-71.
Sung-Soo Jung, Weon-Hee Lee, Jun-Pok Chang and Jong-Yoon Lee, 1999. Development of heat insulating boards by waste-newspaper. J. Korean Society of Furniture. 10(1):95-102.
Sung-Soo Jung, Weon-Hee Lee, 1999. Bending of Korea red pine(Pinus densiflora) by Microwave Irradiation. J. Korean Wood Sci. and Technol. Vol.27(3):17-22.
Jung-Hwan KIM, Weon-Hee LEE and Sung-Cheon HONG, 1999. Studies on the Fundamental Properties of the Wood of Gumgangsong(Pinus densiflora for. erecta Uyeki)(Part 1). J. Korean Society of Furniture. 10(2):55-61.
Weon-Hee Lee, Jun-Pok Chang and Jong-Yoon Lee, 2000. Moisture Sorption Properties of Heat Insulating Boards made from Computer Print Out(CPO). J. Korea Solid Wastes Engineering Society. Vol.17(4):391-398.
Weon-Hee Lee, Hyun-Mi Bae, 2000. Distribution of Moisture Content in Wood with Vapor Transmission Conditions. J. Korean Wood Sci. and Technol. Vol.28(2):3-9.
Weon-Hee Lee and Gyu-Seong Han, 2000. Fixation of Compression Set of Heat-Compressed Wood by Steaming. J. Korean Society of Furniture. 11(1):85-89.
Jung-Hwan Kim, Weon-Hee Lee, Gyu-Seong Han and Hee-Seop Byeon, 2000. Strength Properties of Steaming Wood after Heat-Compression. J. Korean Society of Furniture. 11(2):1-6.
Jung Hwan Kim, Weon Hee Lee, Bu Guk Lim and Jong Yoon Lee, 2000. Heat Conductivity of Waste Paper Boards. J. Environ. Sci. 14:48-54.
Jung-Hwan Kim and Weon-Hee Lee, 2001. Effect of Grain Angle on Bending Properties of Pinus densiflora. J. Korean Wood Sci. and Technol. Vol.29(2):118-125.
In-Suk Jung, Jung-Hwan Kim, Weon-Hee Lee, Jun-Pok Chang and Hyun-Mi Bae, 2001. Effect o a Metal-strap Thicknesses on the Bending Process. J. Korean Wood Sci. and Technol. Vol.29(3):14-20.
Jung-Hwan Kim, Weon-Hee Lee and Jong-Man Kim, 2001. Shear Strength Property of Wood Treated by Steam Treatment a High Temperature. J. Korean Wood Sci. and Technol. Vol.29(4):9-15.
Weon-Hee Lee, 2001. Dimensional Fixation and Plastic Process of Shape Memory Woods. Trends in Agriculture & Life Sciences 1(2):23-27.
Bending Quality of Main Korean Wood Species. Wood Research 89 (p.6-10). 2002
Effect of Nail Pitch on the Shear Performance of Nailed GLT-plywood Specimens. Wood Research 89 (p.1-5) 2002
Change of physical property by vapor treatment at high temperatures. MOKCHAE KONGHAK 30(4) (p.1-8) 2002
Dimensional Stability of Bentwood by Treatment Conditions after bending process. MOKCHAE KONGHAK 30 3 (p.85-90) 2002
Heating Compression of Italian Poplar (Populus euramericana) Wood. MOKCHAE KONGHAK 30(3) (p.91-96) 2002
Evaluation of bending property of main Korean wood. MOKCHAE KONGHAK 30(2) (p.87-94) 2002
Change of physical property by vapor treatment at high temperatures (II). MOKCHAE KONGHAK. 30(2) (p.102-107) 2002
Study on the development direction of the use of wood as a landscape material. Mokchae Konghak 31 3 (p.50-60). 2003
Low-temperature NMR and IR Spectra of Photomerocyanine Form of Spirophenanthrooxazine. Chemistry Letters 32 7 (p.578-579) 2003
Composites with waste papers and waste synthetic fibers. Korea Society of Waste Management 20(5) p. 457 -463 2003
Physical Properties of Fabric E-glass Fiber Reinforced Laminated Timber (I) -Mechanical Properties- MOKCHAE KONGHAK 31(5) p. 23 -34. 2003
Physical Properties of Fabric E-glass Fiber Reinforced Laminated Timber (II) -Physical Properties- MOKCHAE KONGHAK 31(5) p. 35 -42. 2003
Evaluation of bentwood processing property of Korean woods. Journal of the Korea Furniture Society 15 (3) ?p. 9 -17 2004
Fundamental property of wood-based materials with charcoal and loess. Journal of the Korea Furniture Society 17(2) p. 50 -56 2006
Basic properties of wood impregnated with inorganic compounds. MOKCHAE KONGHAK 34(4) p. 15 -21. 2006
Sorption property of composites with charcoal and loess. Journal of the Korea Furniture Society 17(3) p.87 -94. 2006
Dimensional stability of plastic processing wood material. Journal of the Korea Furniture Society 18(2). p.143 -146 2007
Nutrient-impregnated charcoal: an environmentally friendly slow-release fertilizer. accepted in The Environmentalist 2007
Proceedings (Since 1999)
Bending process property of principal Korean woods. The 52nd annual meeting of the Japan Wood Research Society (p.531-531). 2002
Production of composite materials with waste paper and synthetic fiber. 2002 Proceedings of the Korean Society of Wood Science and Technology Annual Meeting (p.21-26).
Physical Property of fabric glass fiber reinforced laminates. 2002 Proceedings of the Korean Society of Wood Science and Technology Fall Meeting (p.77-80).
Bending property of domestic wood. 2002 Proceedings of the Korean Society of Wood Science and Technology Fall Meeting (p.151-154)
Dimensional stability of bentwood. 2002 Proceedings of the Korean Society of Wood Science and Technology Annual Meeting (p.191-194)
Moisture absorption of heat compressed wood. 2002 Proceedings of the Korean Society of Wood Science and Technology Annual Meeting (p.187-190)
I.S. Jung and W.H. Lee, 2001. Evaluation of Bending Process Property of Principal Korean Woods. 2001 Proceedings of the Korean Society of Wood Science and Technology Fall Meeting (Daegu, Korea).
J.H. Kim and W.H. Lee, 2001. Property of Wood Treated by Steaming at High Temperatures. 2001 Proceedings of the Korean Society of Wood Science and Technology Fall Meeting (Daegu, Korea).
W.H. Lee, I.S. Jung and J.H. Kim, April. 26, 2001. Development of Furniture Material by Bent Wood Processing. A Special Lecture Meeting of Korean Society of Furniture (Seoul, Korea).
J.H. Kim and W.H. Lee, 2001. Characteristics of Moisture Adsorption of Wood Treated by Steaming at High Temperatures. 2001 Proceedings of the Korean Society of Wood Science and Technology Annual Meeting (Seoul, Korea).
In-Suk Jung, Jung-Hwan Kim, Weon-Hee Lee, Jun-Pok Chang and Hyun-Mi Bae, 2001. Effect of a Metal-strap Thickness on the Bending Process. 2001 Proceedings of the Korean Society of Wood Science and Technology Annual Meeting (Seoul, Korea).
Jung-Hwan KIM, Weon-Hee LEE and Sung-Cheon HONG, 2001. Studies on the Fundamental Properties of the Wood of Gumgangsong (Pinus densiflora for. erecta Uyeki)(Part Ⅱ). 2001 Proceedings of the Korean Society of Wood Science and Technology Annual Meeting (Seoul, Korea).
Weon-Hee LEE, Jung-Hwan KIM and Sung-Cheon HONG, 2001. Physical Properties of Pinus densiflora for. erecta Uyeki. The 51st annual meeting of the Japan Wood Research Society (Tokyo, Japan).
Weon-Hee LEE, 2001. Non-Steady-State Moisture Distribution in a Wood. The 51st annual meeting of the Japan Wood Research Society (Tokyo, Japan) and 2000 Proceedings of the Korean Society of Wood Science and Technology Fall Meeting (Jinju, Korea).
Jung-Hwan KIM, Weon-Hee Lee, and Jong-Yoon Lee, 2000. Thermal Properties of Boards made from Waste paper. Proceedings of the Korea Solid Wastes Engineering Society Annual Meeting (Daegu, Korea).
Weon-Hee LEE, 2000. Plastic Process of Wood by Heat & Water. The 2nd Design Exhibition of Korean Society of Furniture (COEX convention center. Seoul, Korea).
Jung-Hwan Kim and Weon-Hee Lee, 2000. Effect of Grain Angle on Bending Processing Properties of Pinus densiflora. 2000 Proceedings of the Korean Society of Wood Science and Technology Fall Meeting(Jinju, Korea).
Jung-Hwan KIM, Weon-Hee Lee, and Jong-Yoon Lee, 2000. Heat Conductivity of Boards made from Waste-paper. 2000 Proceedings of the Korean Society of Wood Science and Technology Fall Meeting(Jinju, Korea).
J.H. Kim and W.H. Lee, 2000. Effect of Treatment Condition of Steaming at High Temperatures on Thermal-Softening of Wood. 2000 Proceedings of the Korean Society of Wood Science and Technology Fall Meeting(Jinju, Korea).
Weon-Hee LEE, 1999. Vapor Transmission Conditions and Moisture Distribution in a Wood. 1999 Proceedings of the Korean Society of Wood Science and Technology Annual Meeting(Seoul, Korea).
J.H. Kim, W.H. LEE, 1999. Bent Wood Processing of Pinus densiflora by Microwave Heating. 1999 Proceedings of the Korean Society of Wood Science and Technology Annual Meeting(Seoul, Korea).
J.H. Kim and W.H. Lee and Sung-Cheon HONG, 1999. Comparison of Mechanical Property of Pinus densiflora and Pinus densiflora for. erecta Uyeki. 1999 Proceedings of the Korean Society of Wood Science and Technology Fall Meeting(Chungju, Korea).
Jung-Hwan KIM, Weon-Hee LEE and Sung-Cheon HONG, 1999. Fundamental Properties of the Wood of Gumgangsong(Pinus densiflora for. erecta Uyeki). 1999 Proceedings of the Korean Society of Wood Science and Technology Fall Meeting(Chungju, Korea).
Jung-Hwan KIM, Weon-Hee LEE, 1999. Mechanical Property of Compressed Wood treated by Steaming at High Temperatures. 1999 Proceedings of the Korean Society of Wood Science and Technology Fall Meeting(Chungju, Korea).
Jung-Hwan KIM, Weon-Hee LEE, 1999. Dimensional Stabilization of Compressed Wood treated by Steaming at High Temperatures. 1999 Proceedings of the Korean Society of Wood Science and Technology Fall Meeting(Chungju, Korea).
Jung-Hwan KIM, Weon-Hee LEE, 1999. Dimensional Stabilization and Plastic Process of Wood. Korean Society of Furniture(Seoul, Korea).
Jung-Hwan KIM, Weon-Hee LEE, 1999. Property of Wood-based Rubber Board. Korean Society of Furniture(Seoul, Korea).
Weon-Hee LEE, 1999. Distribution of Moisture Content in a Wood by Vapor Transmission Conditions. The 49th annual meeting of the Japan Wood Research Society(Tokyo, Japan).
Weon-Hee Lee, Hisashi Abe and Naohiro Kuroda, 1999. Wood-Moisture Measurement in Superheated Steam. 6th International IUFRO Wood Drying Conference (South Africa).
Won-Hee Lee. Non-Steady-State Moisture Distribution in a Wood. The 51st Annual Meeting of The Japan Wood Research Society (p.549) 2001(Tokyo Japan)
Won-Hee Lee. Physical Properties of Pinus densiflora for. erecta Uyeki. 51st annual meeting of the Japan Wood Research Society (p.75) 2001(Tokyo Japan)
Won-Hee Lee. Bending process property of principal Korean woods. The 52nd annual meeting of the Japan Wood Research Society (p.531) 2002(Gifu Japan)
Won-Hee Lee, Bu-Kug Lim, Yukie Saito, In-Ja LEE. A combined study on the carbonization of Korean Red Pine at temperatures ranging from 400 to 1000 C. Proceeding of IAWPS (p.798 -799) 2005 (Yokohama Japan)
Won-Hee Lee, Bu-Kug Lim, Tae-Kyung OH, Gun-Hyung KIM, In-Ja LEE. Vapor Sorption Property of Charcoal-based Loess Composites. The 56th Annual Meeting of the Japan Wood Research Society 2006/08/09(Akita Japan)
Modabber Ahmed Khan, Ki-Wook Kim, Seong-Soo Seo, Bu-Kug Lim, Won-Hee Lee, Jong-Yoon Lee. The Manufacturing Development of Slow Release Fertilizer Using Charcoal. The 56th Annual Meeting of the Japan Wood Research Society 2006/08/09(Akita Japan)
Won-Hee Lee, Bu-Kug Lim, Tae-Kyung OH, Gun-Hyung KIM, Bu-Kug LIM, In-Ja Lee. A Fundamental Physical Properties of Wood with Charcoal and Loess. The 56th Annual Meeting of the Japan Wood Research Society 2006/08/09(Akita Japan)
Won-Hee Lee, Sun-Kyo Hong, Hee-Jin Park, Hyo-Ju Lee, Oh-Seuk Lee, Heui-Dong Park. Immobilization of Malic Acid Degrading Yeast Cells with Charcoal for the Degradation of Malic Acid in Wine. The 56th Annual Meeting of the Japan Wood Research Society 2006/08/09(Akita Japan)
Won-Hee Lee, Tong Eun Kim, Bu-Kug Lim, In-Ja Lee, Yukie Saito. Effects of Heat-Treatment Temperature on the Main Volatile Degradation Products and the Wood Charcoal. The 56th Annual Meeting of the Japan Wood Research Society 2006/08/09(Akita Japan)
Weon-Hee LEE and et al. Utilization of Resources for Agricultural Products. llilsa Press, pp.223-244(1994).
Weon-Hee LEE and et al. Guidance of Forest and Natural environment Exposition. SuMoon Press (May, 2001).
Won-Hee LEE Wood and Moisture. Country Home & Life Monthly. 122-125(Jul 2002). pp.122-125(Aug 2002). pp.120-123(Sep 2002). pp.124-127(Oct 2002). pp.124-127(Nov 2002). pp.132-135(Dec 2002). pp.140-141(Jan 2003). pp.142-145(Feb 2003). pp.154-155(Mar 2003) (serial publications in nine parts) Website:
Wood and Moisture. Research Forum of Wood Frame Architecture 2(5) (p.13-79) 2002.
Development of high value-added furniture members by bentwood processing technology. Special lecture in Annual Meeting of Korean Society of Furniture (Hongik University in Seoul, Korea). April 2001.
Introduction of new functional plant growth conditioner from wood biomass resources. Farmers education in every County, Korea(2004-present, irregularly)