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108. Choi,M.S. and Y.G.Park.1997. Selection of a high anthocyanin-producing cell line from callus cultures of hybrid poplar (Populus alba L. x P. glandulosa Uyeki). Forest Genetics 4(4):253-257
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78. 박용구.1993.학회발전을위한제언.한국식물조직배양학회지.20(6):303-306
77. Park,Y.G., J.H.Woo, M.S.Choi, E.Y.Joung and J.K.Jo. 1993. Mass Propagation and Embryogenesis of Robinia pseudoacacia. The 7th International Congress of the Society for the Advancement of Breeding Researches in Asia and Oceania. Nov. 16-21, 1993. Taipei, Taiwan.
76. Kim,K.Y., D.Son, Y.G.Park, W.I.Jung and J.K.Jo. 1993. Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of a plant with Saccharomyces cerevisiae acid phosphatase gene (PHO5). J.Korean Grassl. Sci.13(3) 177-183 (김기용. 손대영. 박용구. 정원일. 조진기. 1993. Agrobacterium을 이용한 Saccharomyces cerevisiae Acid Phosphatase 유전자(PHO 5)의 식물체로의 도입. 한국초지학회지 13(3): 177-183)
75. 박용구. 1993. 우리나라 소나무와 일본소나무. 소나무와 우리문화. 숲과 문화연구회. 소나무학술토론회 1993.8.20-22. 대관령자연휴양림. 67-73 (Park,Y.g. 1993. The relationship of Pinus densiflora between Korea and Japan. Genus Pinus Symposium of Society of Forest and Culture, August 20 to 23, 1993, Natural Resort Forest at Taekawnryong, Korea; pp67-73)
74. 박용구. 1993. 산림자원의 보존현황과 개발전략. 자원식물의 탐색, 개발 및 활용전략. 한국식물학회 ,93 심포지움. 충남대학교, 대전, 93.8.20.; 59-84 (Park,Y.G.1993. Strategy for conservation of forest tree resources in Korea. '93 Symposium of Strategies for the Exploration Development & Application of Botanical Resources. August 20, 1993,pp 59-84; The Korean Society of Plants. Chungnam National University, Taejon, Korea)
73. Park,Y.G. 1993. New techniques for gene conservation by tissue culture methods. Proceedings of International Symposium on Genetic Conservation and Production of Tropical Forest Tree Seed. June 15-19, Changmai, Thailand, ASEAN-CANADA Forest Tree Seed Centre: 154-158
72. 박용구, 유영수, 김재길, 손재형.1993. 아까시나무의 밀원식물육성. 제7회 아까시나무 연구발표회. 경북대학교농업과학기술연구소. 1993.8.9. 56-64 (Park,Y.G., Y.S.Yoo, J.K.Kim and J.H.Son. 1993. Improvement of black locust for honey bee trees. Symposium of Society of black locust, August 9, 1993, Kyungpook National University, Taegu , Korea; pp56-64)
71. 김병원. 최명석. 노광수.박용구.1993. 구기자나무의 엽육캘러스로부터의 체세포배형성. 식물조직배양학회지 20(2): 91-96 (Somatic embryogenesis from leaf callus of Lycium chinense Mill) Kim,B.W.,M.S.Choi, K.S.Roh and Y.G.Park) Korean J. Plant Tissue Culture 20:(2):91-96
70. 박용구.김병원.최명석.노광수.1993.구기자나무의 엽육캘러스로부터의 기관형성. 한국식물조직배양학회지 20(2):85-89. (In Vitro organogenesis from leaf callus of Lycium chinense Mill) Park,Y.G., B.W.Kim, M.S.Choi and K.S.Rho, Korean J. Plant Tissue Culture 20:(2) 85-89
69. 박용구.김정희.손성호.1992.수원포플러와 구아디 포플러 原形質體 融合에 의한 體細胞雜種體 誘導. 한국임학회지 81(3):273-279 (Induction of somatic hybrid by protoplast fusion between Populus koreana x P. nigra var. Italica and P. euramericana cv. Guardi)
68. Chung,J.D., J.K.Son and Y.G.Park.1992. Dwaf gene transfer into higher plants by vector system. Bulletin of Institute of Genetic Engineering, Kyungpook National University 7:55-59
67. Park, Y.G., K.Huh and M.S.Choi.1992. Gene transformation of Ailanthus altissima Swingle by Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Agric. Res. Bull. Kyungpook Natl. Univ. 10:137-145
66. Park,Y.G., M.S.Choi and S.H.Son. 1992. Anthocyanin systhesis in cell cultures of Populus alba L. x P. glandulosa Uyeki. Jour. Korean For. Soc. 81(2): 183-190
65. 박용구. 1992.아까시나무 資源과 利用: 외국의 아까시나무연구 動向- 한국아까시나무 硏究會 창립기념 심포지움, 92.5.23.서울, pp.29-52
64. 박용구. 1992. 항가리임업과 아까시나무. 한국임학회지 81(1): 66-75
63. 김정희. 구관효. 최명석. 박용구.1992. 器內培養에 의한 황벽나무의 大量增殖 및 土壤活着. 한국 식물조직배양학회지 19:37-42 (Kim,J.H., G.H.Goo, M.S.Choi and Y.G.Park. 1992. Micropropagation and soil adjustment of cork tree (Phellodendron amurense Rupr.) through in vitro culture. Korean J. Plant Tissue Culture 19(1) 37-42)
62. Park,Y.G. and S.H.Son. 1992. In vitro shoot regeneration from leaf mesophyll protoplasts of hybrid poplar (Populus nigra x P. maximowiczii). Plant Cell Reports 11: 2-6
61. Park,Y.G.and S.K.Lee. 1991. Plantlet regeneration from protoplasts of Ailanthus altissima Swingle. 8th International Protoplast Symposium. Uppsala, Sweden, 16-20 June, 1991. Physiologia Plantarum 82:A43
60. Kim,D.U., J.K.Shon, J.D.Chung, Y.G.Park and H.J.Choi. 1991. Expression of DNA transferred into cells of higher plants by vector system(II). Bulletin of Institute of Genetic Engineering, Kyungpook National University 6:49-54
59. 박용구.신동원.최명석.문은표.김한집.1991. Agrobacterium tumefaciens를 利用한 Cab遺傳子의 雜種포플러에로의 導入과 發現. 한국식물조직배양학회지 18:323-335 (Park,Y.G., D.W.Shin, M.S.Choi, E.P.Moon and H.J.Kim.1992. Transformation of Cab gene into hybrid poplar (Populus koreana X P. nigra) by Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Korean J. Plant Tissue Culture 18(5):323-335)
54. Kim,S.H., Y.G.Park and Y.-H.Lee.1991. Suspension culture of Gardenia jasminoides Ellis for production of yellow pigment.Journal of Microbilogy and Biotechnology. 1(2): 142-149
53. 朴龍求.1990. 韓國における林木遺傳資源の管理.林木の育種.日本林木育種協會. 157: 24-27 (Management of gene resources of forest trees in Korea)
52. Kim,D.U., J.K.Shon, J.D.Chung, Y.G.Park and H.J.Choi. 1990. Expression of DNA transferred into cells of higher plant by vector system. Bulletin of Institute of Genetic Engineering 5:65-70 (Vector system에 의한 고등식물 세포내로의 DNA 도입및 발현에 관한 연구)
51. 朴龍求. 崔明錫. 金貞姬. 1990. 수원사시나무의 葉肉組織 由來 原形質體로부터의 植物體 再分化. 한국식물조직배양학회 17(3):189-199 (Plant regeneration of Populus glandulosa from mesophyll protoplast)
50. 朴龍求.申東源.金貞姬. 1990. Agrobacterium tumefaciens에 의한 양황철나무의 형질전환요인. 한국임학회지 79(3):278-284 *(Factors effecting agrobacterium mediated transformation and regeneration of Populus nigra x P. maximowiczii)
49. Park,Y.G., S.H.Son and R.B.Hall. 1990. Woody plant protoplast technology and its application. Korean J. Genetic 12(2): 167-189
48. 金貞姬.朴龍求. 1990. 器內 培養에 依한 감나무의 대량증식. 한국조직배양학회지 17:9-15 (Kim,J.-H. and Y.G.Park. 1990. Mass propagation of Japanese persimmon by in vitro culture. Korean J. Plant Tissue Culture 17: 9-15)48. Kim,K.U., Y.G.Park and M.S.Choi. 1989. Development of useful products through plant cell fusion and culture. Bulletin of Institute of Genetic Engineering 4: 77-83
(김길웅. 박용구. 최명석. 1989. 식물세포 배양및 융합을 통한 유용물질 개발. 유전공학연구소보 4: 77-83)
47. Yun,B.W., D.Y.Son, Y.G.Park and J.K.Jo.1989. Research on the selection of Al tolerant Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) on the somatic cell level. I.Effect of some factors affecting callus induction of alfalfa. Korean Journal of Grassland Science Vol.9(3): 124-128 (尹炳旭. 孫大永. 朴龍求. 曺晋基. 1989. 體細胞 水準에서의 耐Al性 알팔파의 選拔에 의관한 硏究. I.알팔파의 캘러스 誘導에 미치는 몇가지 要因의 影響. 韓國草地學會誌 9(3): 124-128)
46. 鄭慶鎬. 朴龍求. 全瑛宇. 盧義來. 1989. Agrobacterium rhizogenes에 의한 현사시나무의 形質轉換. 韓國林學會誌 78(4): 372-380
(Chung,K.H., Park,Y.G., Chun,Y.W. and Noh,E.W. 1989. Transformation of Populus alba x P. glandulosa. Jour. Korean For. Soc. 78(4);371-380)
45. 李相求. 朴龍求. 1989. 가중나무 形成層 callus에서 植物體再分化. 한국임학회지 78(4): 412-418
(Lee,S.G. and Park,Y.G. 1989. Plant regeneration from cambium callus of Ailanthus altissima. Jour. Korean For. Soc. 78(4); 412-418)
44. Park,Y.G. and S.H.Son. 1989. Plant regeneration from protoplasts of Populus nigra x P. maximowiczii leaf mesophyll cultured in vitro. Proc. of the 6th Internatl.Congr. of SABRAO, August 21-25,1989, Tsukuba, Japan(eds, S.Iyama and G. Takeda) pp849-852
43. 朴龍求. 申東逸. 李相求.1989. 버드나무(Salix koreensis)懸濁培養細胞의 代謝産物. 한국임학회지 78(2): 198-208.
(Park,Y.G., Shin,D.I. and Lee,S.G. 1989. Secondary products in cell suspension culture of Salix koreensis. Jour. Korean For. Soc. 78(2): 198-208)
42. 朴龍求. 孫聖鎬. 朴守貞. 1988. 포푸라 내염성 개체의 器內選拔. 慶北大 農學誌 6: 75-85
(Park,Y.G., Son,S.H. and Park,S.J.1988. In vitro selection for salty tolerance of Populus nigra x P. maximowiczii. Agricultural Research Bul. Kyungpook Natl. Univ. 6: 75-85)
41. Park,Y.G., K.U.Kim and S.G.Lee. 1988. Development of useful products through plant cell fusion and culture - Analysis of useful secondary products in cell suspension culture. Bulletin of Institute of Genetic Engineering Kyungpook Nati-onal 3:31-38
40. Park,Y.G. and S.H.Son. 1988. Regeneration of plantlets from cell suspension cul-ture derived callus of white poplar (Populus alba L.). Plant Cell Reports 7: 567-570
39. Park,Y.G. and S.H.Son. 1988. In vitro organogenesis and somatic embryogenesis from punctured leaf of Populus nigra x P. maximowiczii. Plant Cell Tissue & Organ Culture 15:95-105
38. Park,Y.G., K.U.Kim and S.K.Lee. 1988. Development of useful products through plant cell fusion and culture -Analysis of useful secondary products in cell suspension culture. Pro. 3rd Con. Mol. Bio. & Gen. Engi., Seoul, Korea 3:113-118
37. 朴龍求. 孫聖鎬 . 1988. 현사시나무의 器內培養 葉肉組織에서 분리된 原形質體 培養 및 植物體 再分化. 韓國林學會誌 77: 208-215
(Culture and regeneration of Populus alba x glandulosa leaf protoplasts isolated from in vitro cultured explant. Jour. Korean For. Soc. 77(2):208-215)
36. Park,Y.G., G.S.Kang and D.I.Shin. 1988. Allelopathic potentials of Larix leptolepis on germination of several forest tree species. Jour. Korean For. Soc. 77: 208-215
35. Park,Y.G. and S.H.Son. 1987. Protoplast isolation from callus and suspension cultured cells of Populus alba. Korean J. Genetics 9: 133-140
34. Kim,K.U., Y.G.Park and S.H.Kwak. 1987. Development of useful secondary product through plant cell culture. Pro.2nd Con. Mol. Bio. & Gen. Engi., Seoul, Korea, Oct. 16-17, 2: 135-142
33. Park,Y.G. and S.H.Son.1987. Culture methods of mesophyl protoplasts from Populus alba x glandulosa. Pacific Science Association 16th Congress:Seoul Korea August 20 - 30: 190
32. Park,Y.G. and S.H.Son. 1987. Isolation and culture of meshophyll protoplasts from Populus spp. Sym. Genetic Manipulation of Woodyplants, June 21-25, Michigan Univ., U.S.A. Michigan State Univ.87:p 57.
31. Park,Y.G., D.I.Shin, J.H.Woo and S.H.Son. 1987. Protoplast isolation from meshopyll of Populus alba. Korean J. Plant Tissue Culture 14: 49-54
30. 박용구. 1986. 임업과 Biotechnology. 한국농업과학협회지, 79-102
31.Park,Y.G.1986. The prospects of biotechnology in forestry. Symposium of Agricultural Science 1: 79-102)
29. 박용구. 1986. 임목육종과 조직배양. 경북대학교 개교 40주년 특집호 1: 113-135
(Park,Y.G. 1986. Plant tissue culture in forest tree breeding. Proceeding of the Sym. for the 40th Ann. Kyungpook Natl. University 1: 113-135)
28. Chung,J.D., D.W.Kim. and Park, Y.G. 1986. Somatic hybridization by protoplast fusion in higher plant - Protoplast isolation and culture. Pro.1st Con. Mol. Bio. & Gen. Engi., Seoul,Oct.16-17, 1: 259-266
27. Park,Y.G. and K.H.Chung. 1986. Inheritance of leucine aminopeptidase and gluta- mate-oxalate transaminase isozyme in Pinus thunbergii. Korean J. Genetics 8:133-140
26. Kim,O.R. and Y.G.Park. 1986. In vitro studies on Pinus koraiensis.I.Chromosomal variation in the callus. Jour. Korean For. Soc. 74: 56-60
25. 朴龍求. 孫聖鎬. 1986. 이태리포푸라 I-214 엽육조직에서 원형질체 분리에 미치는 몇가지요인. 한국임학회지 74: 29-36
24. Park,Y.G. and K.H.Han. 1986. Isolation and culture of mesophyll protoplasts from in vitro cultured Populus alba x P. glandulosa. Jour. Korean For. Soc. 73: 33-42(박용구. 한경환. 1986. 현사시 기내배양 엽육조직에서의 원형질체의 분리및 배양. 한국임학회지 73:33-42)
23. 박용구. 전영우. 1985. 우리나라 우량삼나무 집단에 대한 생태유전학적 연구.III. 집단간 유묘특성 연구. 경북대논문집 40: 259-264 (Park,Y.G. and Chun,Y.W. 1985. Ecological genetic studies in man-made populations of Crypromeria japonica in Korea.III. The variation of seedlings among 7 populations. Research Review of Kyungpook Univ. Natural Science 40: 259-264)
22. 박용구. 전영우. 1984. 우리나라 우량삼나무 집단에 대한 생태유전학적 연구.II. 동위효소 유전변이. 경북대학농학지 2: 172-180 (Park,Y.G. and Y.W.Chun. 1984. Eco-genetic studies in man-made populations of Cryptomeria japonica in Korea. Agric. Res. Bull. Kyungpook Natl. Univ. 2:172-180)
21. Park,Y.G. 1984. Variation in salt-tolerance among five species in Genus Pinus by means of in vitro techniques. Korean J. Breed. 15: 1-4
20. Park,Y.G. 1983. Inheritance of leucine amionopeptidase, esterase and peroxidase isozymes in Pinus koraiensis. Korean J. Breed. 15: 147-153
19. Park,Y.G. and O.R. KIm. 1983. In Vitro studies on Pinus koraiensis(I) Establish-ment and growth of callus. Jour. Korean For. Soc. 59: 51-56
Park, Y.G. 1981. Comparative Electrophoretic Studies of Isoperoxidase for 23 Species in the Genus Pinus. Jour. Korean For. Soc. 51: 36-40
(소나무속 23수종에 있어서 peroxidase 동위효소의 변이.한국임학회지 51:36-40)
17. 전영우. 박용구. 1980. 우리나라 우량삼나무 집단에 대한 생태유전학적 연구.I.침엽형질 및 생장 특성. 한국육종학회지 12: 168-174
(Chun,Y.W. and Y.G.Park. 1980. Eco-genetic studies in man-made populations of Cryptomeria japonica in Korea(I). Needle and growth variation in 18 populations.Korean Journal of Breeding 12: 168-174)
16. 김정석. 박용구. 김삼식. 1980. Populus alba x glandulosa 에 있어서 peroxidase동위효소의 유전. 한국육종학회지 12: 185-190
(Kim, C.S., Y.G.Park and S.S.Kim. Inheritance of peroxidase isozymes in Populus alba x glandulosa. Korean Journal of Breeding 12:185-190)
15. 朴龍求. 1979. 林木의 同位元素 . 한국임학회지 43: 74-86
(Forest genetics of isozymes. Journal of Korean Forestry 43: 74-86)
14. 朴龍求. 孫元夏. 1979. 유용임목의 동위효소에 관한 조림 및 유전학적 연구 - xPinus taeda.rigida와 P. densiflora에 있어서 Leucine Amino-peptidase와 Peroxidase동위효소의 유전. 한국임학회지 43: 39-50
(Park,Y.G. and W.H.Son. 1979. Silvicultural and genetic studies on isozyme paterns in forest trees - Inheritance of Leucine aminopeptidase and peroxidase isozymes in x Pinus taeda.rigida and P. densiflora- Journal of Korean Forestry Society 43: 39-50)
13. 朴龍求. 1978. 소나무류의 조직배양.I.잣나무 callus의 유발과 생장. 김용관박사회갑기념논문집 85-94
(In vitro studies on Pinus.I. Establishment and growth of callus in Pinus koraiensis.)
12. 朴龍求. 1977. 소나무 천연생림의 집단유전학적 연구. 임목육종연구소 연구보고 13: 1-80
11. 朴龍求. 1976. 소나무 천연생림의 집단유전학적 연구.II.도서지역내 집단간의 유전적 변이. 한국육종학회지 8: 71-76
(Genetic studies in natural populations of Pinus densiflora. II. Genetic differentiation in isoperoxidase of P. densiflora growth in islets isolated by sea. Korean Journal of Breeding 8: 71-76)
10. 朴龍求. 1976. 소나무 천연생림의 집단유전학적 연구.I.과산화 동위효소의 유전양식. 한국육종학회 8: 41-47
(Genetic studies in natural populations of Pinus densiflora. I. Inheritance of peroxidase isozymes. Korean Journal Breeding 8: 41-47)
9. 이종락. 박용구. 1973. Zymography에 의한 clone 감별. 경희대산업대논문집 1: 7-11
(Lee, J.L. and Y.G.Park. 1973.Identification of clones by means of zymography. Res. Rep. Coll. Industry, Kyung Hee Univ.1: 7-11)
8. 김정석. 이석구. 박용구. 1973. 아까시나무의 Isoperoxidase 변이. 임목육종연구보고서 10: 23-34
(Kim, C.S., S.K.Lee and Y.G. Park. 1973. Variation in the patterns of isoperoxidase in 2x and 4x Robinia pseudoacacia. The Research Report of the Institute of Forest Genetics 10: 23-24)
7. 朴龍求. 崔定錫. 1973. Isoperoxidase변이형에 의한 소나무 clone 감별. 한국임학회지 18: 17-22
(Park, Y.G. and C.S.Choi. 1973. Use of zymography for identification of the same clone in a clone bank of Pinus densiflora Sieb. et Zucc. Journal of Korean Forestry Society 18: 17-22)
6. 朴龍求. 金鼎錫.1973. 소나무류의 수종간 솔나방 유충의 선호성에 관한 연구. 한국육종학회지 5: 15-18
(Park, Y.G. and C.S.Kim.1973. Studies on selecting taste of the pine-caterpillar larva: Dendrolimus spectabilis Butler on six pine species. Korean Journal of Breeding 5:15-18)
5. 朴龍求.1972. 소나무 발육과정에 따른 과산화 동위효소형의 변이. 한국육종학회지 4: 15-22
(Developmental variation in the isoperoxidases of Pinus densiflora. Korean J. Breeding 4:15-22)
4. 朴龍求.1972. 삼나무 천연림내 동위효소 다형화에 관한 유전자 이동. 임목육종연구보고서. 임목육종연구소 9: 77-85
(Gene flow in natural forest of Cryptomeria japonica by means of isozyme polymorphisms. The Research Reports of the Institute of Forest Genetics 9: 77-85)
3. Sakai,K.I. and Y.G.Park.1971. Genetic Studies Natural Population of forest Tree.III. Genetic Differentiation within a Forest of Cryptomeria japonica. Theore tical & Applied Genetics 41: 13-17
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